Our Surface Mount enclosures are excellent for dressing up your displays to suit the environment as well as protect your investment and hide components and cabling. With the ability to choose your powdercoat color and add emelishments like laminates, ADA plaques, graphics, icons, and lettering, our enclosures can truely be unique to you and perfectly integrate with their environment. Not all color options are available to pick from in online ordering ( to choose other options view our catalog and put your requested color in the special instructions ). This product will accomodate most brands and models of display as well as touch and non-touch.
- Landscape or Portrait
- 10in to 75in Display Size (10" to 24" Surface mount meeting room enclosures can be viewed here )
- Non-Touch or Touch
- RAS ( Rapid Access System )
- Powdercoat Finish
- Multiple Knockouts for Power
and Data Location - All Steel Construction
- Made In The USA
Special notes:
This enclosure includes a mount for a NUC style player, maximum player depth depends on the display size. Please fill out the display used and we will verify what players are compatable.
Cutsheets and Installation Instructions:
Coming Soon!